Italy 2022 General Election Debate
ICD House of Arts & Cultures; September 6, 2022 at 18:30

Italy 2022 General Election Debate
September 6, 2022 at 18:30
ICD House of Arts & Culture
The moderator for the night has been Leonardo Vegli, ICD Project Manager for Italian events. He first gave all the information on how to cast the vote by mail and after opened the debate between candidates for the Europe constituency. Hailing from all parts of the continent, the guests were Federico Quadrelli (Partito Democratico), Maurizio D'Ercoli (+Europa) and Benedetta Scuderi (Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra). They had each few minutes to present themselves and then few minutes to answer six different questions. With great fairness, the candidates dialogued on citizens’ rights abroad, healthcare, taxes, and sustainability.
The event ended with a Q&A from the public and a reception with coffee and refreshments.
The Event was held in Italian
Article published by Italian online newspaper Il Mitte:
Facebook Event: